Bachelor in Film and Television Production  (BFTP) 3 years

The objective of curricula and syllabi is to impart quality education in all aspects of film making so that the students can work independently and collaboratively in the creative environment of Film & Television Industry.

KIIT School of Film and Media Sciences, KIIT DU offers Bachelors of Film & Television Production (Direction, Cinematography, Editing, and Sound Designing) and Bachelors of Performing Arts (Acting).

Bachelor of Film and Television Production (BFTP)

  • Cinematography
  • Direction
  • Editing
  • Sound Recording & Designing

Bachelor of Performing Arts

  • Acting

The programme is broken into six semesters. The first semester and second semester are dedicated to provide the foundation and orientation which will enable them to take up specialization during 2nd year and 3rd year. Numerous workshops are incorporated in the curricula in order to impart practical training by veteran professionals, directors, cinematographers, Editors of the Film & Television industry. Several projects are incorporated to evaluate their knowledge and skills in the concerned subject. During the course the students will be provided with required theoretical as well as practical inputs to develop their skills. At the end, a student will be enabled as a professional Director/Cinematographer/Editor/ Sound Designers and be a part of the Film and Television Industry.

Salient Features

  • First ever Bachelor’s Degree course in Film &Television Production at University level.
  • Unique curriculum to cater to the needs of the present day requirement of Film-making & Television production.
  • Hands on skills on Screen Writing, Production designing, Lighting, Motion Picture Photography, Audio recordings, Post Production, Editing, Audio designing, Animation. Theory and  practical workshops under the guidance of well-trained faculties and reputed award winning industry professionals
  • Training to develop  multiple skills to meet the multitasking requirement of Television channels and film industry
  • Industry visits and interaction with reputed directors, producers and professionals of the Industry




The pedagogy of BFTP program shall consist of theory, practical and sessional. The importance of each course is defined in terms of credits attached to it. The credit units attached to each subject has been further defined in terms of Contact Hours, i.e. Lecture Hours (L), Tutorial Hours (T), and Practical Hours (P) .The programme structure describes the subject-wise break- up of Lecture Hours, Tutorial Hours and Practical Hours. Thrust is given on Workshops and Projects. Credits are also attached to different projects and workshops.


Total Programmme Duration 3 Years
Foundation Programme 1 Year
Specialisation * (Any One) 2 Years


For Bachelor of Film & Television Production

Pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized Central/State Board with 50% marks in aggregate .

Major Thrust Area

Digital Cinema Production, Digital Photography & Cinematography, Smart Phone Film making, Film Appreciation, State-of-the art Non-linear Editing with latest post production software.

Programme  Educational Objective (PEOs)

The BFTP programme aims to prepare the graduate with the following objectives :

  1. Graduate shall be able to provide technical support to the film industry in making film and television programmes.
  2. Graduate shall be able to serve the society  by making programme on social, cultural , educational  and patriotism  audio visual programme.
  3. Graduate shall be able lay the foundation programme in film making and television production.

Programme Outcomes 

Students of Bachelor of Film & Television Production Programmes at the time of graduation will be able to:

PO1.Critical Thinking: To bring the psychological and physical world together through cinema.

PO2.Effective Communication: To use cinematic and electronic tools for effective   communication.

PO3. Social Interaction: To exhibit artistic expression to the world and elicit views of others.

PO4. Effective Citizenship: To use the cinematic education for national building and patriotism.

PO5. Ethics: To adhere morality while expressing ideas in the field of Cinema.

PO6. Environment and Sustainability:   Understand the issues having environmental context and sustainable development and use these in Cinema for protection and preservation of our environment.

PO7. Self-directed and Life-long Learning: Cinema being an independent medium acquires the ability to engage viewers for life-long learning in the broadest context in socio-technological changes

PO8.Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO9. Understanding Cinema:  analyze, appreciate and learn all aspects  of film making.

PO10. Creative Skill Development: Transformation of ideas and concepts from script to screen through different stages of film making.

PO11. Managing responsibilities: Effective use of film as mass media with time management and cost cutting and managing finance in achieving creative excellence.

Programme Specific Outcome 

  1. Provide facilities to undertake research in various branches of film making.
  2. Prescribe course and curriculum for both Post Graduate and Under Graduate students in film & media.
  3. Raise technical standard of film & television industry.
  4. To produce trained man power in the field of Film & Television to carter the film industry.
  5. To enhance film and Television education for entertainment & artistic expression.
  6. To create facility for higher study in the field of Film and TV so that faculties for secondary/ higher secondary/  undergraduate  students  can be provided to the educational institution as per new education policy.
  7. Provision of facility to undertake various branches of film making.
  8. To organize summer  courses and short term courses by inviting  experts from different fields of cinema and research scholars.
  9. Social implication; cinema being a mass media it can serve  the society to bring social changes, artistic expression, art  &  culture etc.
  10. Use modern tools in an efficient manner for enhancing imaging experience  and its creative assimilation in film making.
  11. Excel in different domains of film making such as   direction, editing, cinematography and sound designing.
  12. Adapt to technical advancements and evolutions in the domain of film making.