Student Industry Interface

November, 2018
Continuity Project
By : Biplab Goswami, Editor, Director, Film Maker
Prof. Tridip Poddar, SRFTI, Kolkata conducting Dialogue exercise Workshop for students of BFTP in SFMS, KIIT, Bhubaneswar.
KIIT School of Film and Media Sciences organizes Cinematography Workshop

School of Film and Media Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University organized a Cinematography Workshop from 10th to 12th September, 2019. The workshop was conducted by an Eminent Cinematographer, Film Professional and Academician Prof. Adinath Das, an Alumni of FTII, Pune and former Dean of SRFTI, Kolkata.
Students got enlightened with the various aspects of Cinematography through discussions and personal interaction and learned the art and nuances of Lighting in professional Film Making. The Visiting Expert Mr. Das conveyed his satisfaction and thanked Prof. Himansu Khatua, CEO,SFMS, SFT & SMC; faculties and staff for rendering their support towards smooth completion of the workshop and facilities provided to the students.
Workshop on “Images to Screen” held at KIIT School of Film and Media Sciences

Notwithstanding the adverse weather conditions, the scheduled 5-day workshop on “Images to Screen” with Visiting Prof. Shyamal Karmakar, Head of Editing, SRFTI, Kolkata went on as planned. With enthusiastic participation of students, support of CEO, staff and faculty guidance, the School of Film and Media Sciences(SFMS), KIIT Deemed to be University brought the ongoing workshop to an effective conclusion.
CEO Prof. Himanshu Khatua had a brief interaction with the visiting Professor and thanked him for time and knowledge shared with students. Prof. Shyamal Karmakar was happy with the students innovativeness and interaction. He wished all students for better future ahead in the profession. He also appreciated the efforts and infrastructural opportunities available to the students in KIIT Deemed to be University.
Photography Workshop at School of Film & Media Sciences

School of Film and Media Sciences, KIIT Deemed to be University completed a three day workshop with Dr. Sanjay Acharya, Professor and HOD of PG Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar in Still Photography. Staff and students of SFMS conveyed their gratitude towards sharing his expert guidance for student’s knowledge and benefit. Students showed their enthusiasm and were energized in attending the three days workshop. CEO of the School, Prof. Himansu Khatua expressed his satisfaction with the learning outcomes of the Workshop.

November, 2018
Continuity Project
By : Biplab Goswami, Editor, Director, Film Maker
March, 2018
Lighting For video (Indoor and Outdoor)
By : Surendra Sahoo, Noted Cinematographer
Film Appriciation

March, 2012
Critical Analysis of Film from Cinematography and Direction point of view
By : Dr. Piyush Roy, Author, Critic, Curator, Filmmaker
April, 2012
Basic Editing for Film & Video
By : Prasasnt Naik, HOD, Editing Whistling Woods International, Mumbai
Camera Demo & Practice

December, 2017
Composition and lighting for model photography
By : Students of KIIT

May, 2012
Planning and Execution of Mi-en-Scene
By : Pankaj Saxsena, Noted Academician and Film Maker
Digital Cinematography

May, 2017
New trends in Cinematography (Digital Camera)
By : Jogendra Panda, Cinematographer
Music Appreciation

January, 2011
High Definition Videography (indoor & Outdoor)
By : Sibu Jena, Noted Musician
Dialogue Excercise

November, 2018